What is The Difference Between Windows PowerShell And Prolog, Programming Languages

Windows PowerShell is a Scripting Language, while Prolog is a Logic-based Programming Language

What are Scripting Languages

Scripting languages are programming languages that control an application. Scripts can execute independent of any other application. They are mostly embedded in the application that they control and are used to automate frequently executed tasks like communicating with external programs.

What are Logic-based Programming Languages

Logic programming is a type of programming paradigm which is largely based on formal logic. Any program written in a logic programming language is a set of sentences in logical form, expressing facts and rules about some problem domain. (Wikipedia)

While Windows PowerShell is a Scripting Language, and Prolog is a Logic-based Programming Language

Let us now look at the difference between the two:

What is Windows PowerShell Programming Language – A brief synopsis

It is Microsoft’s command line shell and a scripting language. Released in 2006, it is available with Windows XP, Windows Vista as also with Windows Server 3003 and Windows Server 2008. It works in collaboration with Microsoft .NET Framework by means of executables, forms of standalone applications, regular .NET classes, cmdlets that are specialized .NET classes and scripts, the compositions of cmdlets and imperative logic.

What is Prolog Programming Language – A brief synopsis

It is a general-purpose programming language that supports logic programming and is often linked with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. The language is declarative and the program logic is expressed in the form of relations. Mercury is a functional logic programming language that is based on Prolog. Strawberry Prolog is a dialect of Prolog, which is supposed to be easy to use. Visual Prolog is a strongly typed extension of Prolog that supports object-oriented programming. It is a compiled logic-based programming language.


A Complete List of Computer Programming Languages

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