What is The Difference Between Leda And PCASTL, Programming Languages

Leda is a Logic-based Programming Language, while PCASTL is an Interpreted Programming Language
What are Logic-based Programming Languages
Logic programming is a type of programming paradigm which is largely based on formal logic. Any program written in a logic programming language is a set of sentences in logical form, expressing facts and rules about some problem domain. (Wikipedia)
What are Interpreted Programming Languages
An interpreted language is a programming language for which most of its implementations execute instructions directly, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions. The interpreter executes the program directly, translating each statement into a sequence of one or more subroutines already compiled into machine code. (Wikipedia)
While Leda is a Logic-based Programming Language, and PCASTL is an Interpreted Programming Language
Let us now look at the difference between the two:
What is Leda Programming Language – A brief synopsis
This computer programming language is a blend of logic-based, functional, imperative and object-oriented programming. It is thus one of the multi-paradigm languages.
What is PCASTL Programming Language – A brief synopsis
An acronym for by Parent and Childset Accessible Syntax Tree Language, it is a high-level language developed by Philippe Choquette and falls under the class of interpreted computer programming languages. It is specially designed for self-modifying code.
A Complete List of Computer Programming Languages