What is The Difference Between Fril And CLIST, Programming Languages

Fril is a Logic-based Programming Language, while CLIST is a Procedural Programming Language

What are Logic-based Programming Languages

Logic programming is a type of programming paradigm which is largely based on formal logic. Any program written in a logic programming language is a set of sentences in logical form, expressing facts and rules about some problem domain. (Wikipedia)

What are Procedural Programming Languages

Procedural (imperative) programming implies specifying the steps that the programs should take to reach to an intended state. A procedure is a group of statements that can be referenced through a procedure call. Procedures help in the reuse of code. Procedural programming makes the programs structured and easily traceable for program flow.

While Fril is a Logic-based Programming Language, and CLIST is a Procedural Programming Language

Let us now look at the difference between the two:

What is Fril Programming Language – A brief synopsis

Fril language was designed by Trevor Martin and Jim Baldwin at the University of Bristol in the 1980s. It is for first-order predicate calculus. It supports fuzzy sets and metaprogramming and is based on the Prolog syntax.

What is CLIST Programming Language – A brief synopsis

It is a procedural programming language in the form of a set of commands that need to be executed in a sequence like that of a batch file.


A Complete List of Computer Programming Languages

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